Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Art of Poetry Essay Example For Students
The Art of Poetry Essay At the point when one considers verse the principal thing you may consider is the multifaceted nature of verse. Ordinarily I think individuals fear abstract works, for example, verse and excuse verse since they see It as excessively muddled. Numerous individuals dont Like to peruse things that really expect them to consider the content and regard them confused in light of the fact that they dont need to set aside the effort to perceive what the creator is attempting to state. In any case, if they somehow managed to take as much time as necessary and analyze the sonnet they would find that verse isnt as muddled as it appears. We will compose a custom paper on The Art of Poetry explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now They may likewise observe the magnificence in verse and cap regardless of who you are there is a sonnet some place you can identify with. Verse Is not clear and that Is something I for one love about It on account of its profundity, which I find excellent. Indeed, even the most frightful sonnets I feel are as yet lovely in view of the manner in which they are composed particularly with the utilization of symbolism, similitudes, and metaphors. So to me verse is an artistic expression Just as a works of art, tunes, or movies are fine arts. Its a method to communicate sentiments and feelings that have been evoked by some second in ones life. Similarly as a melody or film, verse is mind boggling and could mean something other than what's expected to every individual that understands It. Normally when you initially read a sonnet you dont know precisely what the writer Is stating and frequently your first reaction isn't really the right one. This was the situation for me when perusing Elegy for Jane by Theodore Rotted. At the point when I previously read the sonnet I contemplated his understudy that had died, Jane, and that he in actuality was infatuated with this understudy based off the line: Over this clammy grave I express the expressions of my adoration (20). In the wake of encouraging perusing this sonnet anyway I as messed with this investigation since I might Want to figure you would not portray somebody you are infatuated with as having hair that Is limp and sodden as ringlets (1) or a sidelong pickerel grin (2). I additionally was bewildered by all the utilization of nature when utilizing symbolism and thought it was prominent and that Rotted had done this which is as it should be. So after further examination I accept that Rotted isn't truly discussing Jane however nature and the existence cycle. I feel for the creator Jane speaks to the magnificence and intricacy of life and that when her demise happened It made the creator insight about mortality and how she was youthful and her passing was untimely accordingly it challenged the creators thought that passing happens in the wake of maturing. This investigation is an ideal case of the unpredictability of verse and how it could mean various things to various individuals. One of my preferred things about verse Is the creators capacity to utilize expressive language to paint an image In your mind. By and by utilizing Reroutes Elegy for Jane two of my preferred lines in the sonnet are Her tune trembling the twigs and little branches (6) and The shade sang with her (7). The explanation I love these lines is cause it truly portrays how Jane was as an understudy while additionally binds her to the regular world. Jane was magnificent and affected everyone around her and even the pessimistic individuals Joined It with her enjoyment. The creator could have effortlessly come directly out and said Jane was a joy and caused others around her to feel the wasnt generally so glad and this is clear when Rotted says, Oh, when she was pitiful, she case herself down into such an unadulterated profundity (10). I feel this is a method of saying that when Jane was tragic her trouble devoured her and she was lost inside it. Those are Just a couple of the spellbinding language Rotted utilized all through his writing so as to breath life into the story. I love that verse is an outlet for feelings. .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .postImageUrl , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:hover , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:visited , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:active { border:0!important; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:active , .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:hover { darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-adornment: underline; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1d eed2bd6ac .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue961835eee2213efddc4c1deed2bd6ac:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Reader reaction to Dorothy Butler's Cushla EssayKnowing that this isnt Just a fiction story and that it is an aftereffect of a genuine occasion in somebody life makes An Elegy for Jane all the more fascinating to me. For some, individuals saying that the creator was not in adoration with Jane and that she was in certainty just Reroutes understudy addresses the beginning of the sonnet. For me anyway I think it bodes well as a result of individual experience. My view is that you dont need to realize an individual to be influenced here and there regardless of whether the effect is negligible. This occurs as I would like to think all the tim e. In the event that somebody kicked the bucket and the family couldn't manage the cost of the burial service gifts might be made so as to support the family. Numerous detonators may not have the foggiest idea about the person in question or casualties family straightforwardly however are rather influenced by the casualties demise. I have confidence it could be said that is what's going on in this sonnet. I think when Jane kicked the bucket it evoked some feeling in Rotted and made him question the pattern of life and mortality. This was obvious to me when he creator expressed, l, without any rights in this issue (21). The creator is stating he has no privilege to be moved by Canes inauspicious demise since he is just her instructor and he didnt realize her all around ok to have that right. Be that as it may, he was influenced by her passing and in this manner the sonnet was composed. All things considered, I think Theodore Reroutes An Elegy for Jane Is an extraordinary portrayal of the possibility that verse is a work of art and is Just as mind boggling, delightful, and expressive as any tune or bit of fine art. This kind of keeping in touch with me is a workmanship all by itself.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Accounting and Finance Theory and Practice
Question: Talk about the Accounting and Finance for Theory and Practice. Answer: Presentation The survey and investigation of the budget summaries is significant for associations to disperse the budgetary data to financial specialists and loan bosses. The monetary data acquired from the fiscal summaries frames the reason for assessing the presentation of an association. Business associations distribute the budget summaries in the yearly report for conveying the significant monetary data to worry outside parties.Creditors and speculators depend on the money related data imparted by an organization for security and productivity of their ventures. The budget summaries give nitty gritty data about the advantages speculations and exceptional obligations to the partners. The companys chiefs can likewise effectively choose the capital structure by keeping up a satisfactory harmony among value and obligation. The examinations of the fiscal reports demonstrate as a basic apparatus for the companys directors to assess over a wide span of time execution. It likewise evaluates the vulner ability of things to come incomes and in this manner bolsters the dynamic procedure of the association. In this specific circumstance, the current report intends to audit and inspect the money related situation of Graincorp for assessing its budgetary exhibition. Graincorp is an Australian based organization that is perceived as an innovator in food fixings and agribusiness. The companys exercises depend on three fundamental center grains, that is, wheat, grain and canola. The organization has a near favorable position in starts of these grains as far as specialized ability and cargo differentials. The organization works its business capacities in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, North America, and Europe other than Australia. It has four announcing fragments that are, Storage Logistics, Marketing, Malt and Oils. The organization directs its business capacities through creating and upkeep of an incorporated flexibly chain to complete its operational exercises effectively. The organization tried to turn into a worldwide pioneer in food fixings and agribusiness by making an incentive for every one of its partners. The organization builds up a working environment culture that targets guaranteeing representatives and client government assistance through reception of best work rehearses (Annual Report, 2015). The current report, in such manner, surveys the money related execution of the organization for distinguishing the zones of progress required for improving its benefit later on setting. Investigation of Financial Statements of Graincorp Company Explanation of Financial position Explanation of money related position is another term utilized for accounting report. This announcement shows the estimation of benefits, liabilities and value of the organization toward the finish of the monetary year. All the sum that are introduced in the fiscal summaries are acclimated to the equalizations of things toward the start of year and any progressions made in the present itself. The structure introduced in the budget report is actually like ordinary bookkeeping condition. Thus, bookkeeping condition utilized in the announcement of money related position is spoken to as Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders Equity. Explanation of money related position is viewed as one of the significant fiscal reports as it encourages the clients to assess the monetary presentation of the organization in regard to liquidity, obligation value position, budgetary execution and business hazard (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2011). In this area, significant subtleties of budgetary situation of Graincorp Company are assessed in the terms of execution through contrasting the present year figures and a year ago figures. Each thing in accounting report has its significance and gives certain data that helps the clients of budget summary to contrast the companys current year execution and the most recent year execution. In this manner, significant things in a critical position sheet of Graincorp Company will be assessed utilizing the equalizations in the announcement and notes to articulations. The following are significant figures of the parity of Graincorp Company in year 2015 and 2014 and furthermore percent expansion or abatement. Explanation of Financial Position Graincorp Company (Figures in Million Dollars) Things 2015 2014 Increment of Decrease % Increase or Decrease in year 2015 All out Current Assets $ 1,497.90 $ 1,368.40 $ 129.50 9.46% Absolute Non-Current Assets $ 2,175.80 $ 1,964.80 $ 211.00 10.74% Absolute Assets $ 3,673.70 $ 3,333.20 $ 340.50 10.22% Absolute Current Liabilities $ 871.00 $ 845.30 $ 25.70 3.04% Absolute Non Current Liabilities $ 980.90 $ 743.40 $ 237.50 31.95% Absolute Liabilities $ 1,851.90 $ 1,588.70 $ 263.20 16.57% Absolute Equity $ 1,821.80 $ 1,744.50 $ 77.30 4.43% The above table speaks to the figures to be decided sheet of Graincorp Company for year 2015 and 2014. The expansion and decline in things of parity in regard of year 2015 has additionally been spoken to as rate. On taking a gander at the table it tends to be said that in year 2015, Graincorp Company has performed well as all the things in balance have positive increment in sum in year 2015. The estimation of current resources was expanded by 9.46% that shows that liquidity position of the organization is acceptable. Taking a gander at the figures of non current resources it tends to be said that Graincorp has put a significant decent sum in fixed resources in year 2015. There was increment of 10.74% in the estimation of non current resources in year 2015 as contrast with year 2014. Altogether, there was 10.22 % expansion in estimation of advantages that shows Graincorp organization has made huge development in year 2015 (Annual Report, 2015). While discussing risk area it very well may be seen that there was little increment in estimation of current liabilities though estimation of non current liabilities has expanded with more prominent contrast. The estimation of current liabilities was expanded by 3.04 % and estimation of current resources expanded by 9.46 % that reflects organization has made noteworthy acclimations to alter the liquidity position (Mumba, 2013). Estimation of non current liabilities was expanded to 31.95 %, which plainly shows that Graincorp has taken obligation from the monetary foundations to back the exercises. The expansion in value by 4.43% speaks to increment in estimation of value sum, saves and held profit (Annual Report, 2015). Explanation of Change in Equity The announcement of investors value is exceptionally significant for acquiring data in regards to the progressions in different value parts including held profit. Investors value portrays the total assets of an organization by distinguishing the distinction between all out resources and all out liabilities. Proclamation of Change in Equity Graincorp Company (Figures in Million Dollars) Things 2015 2014 Increment of Decrease % Increase or Decrease in year 2015 Estimation of Contributed Equity $ 1,346.00 $ 1,344.80 $ 1.20 0.09% Number of Shares (Equity) 228855628 228855628 $ - 0.00% All out Reserves $ 116.80 $ 40.80 $ 76.00 186.27% Held Earnings $ 359.00 $ 358.90 $ 0.10 0.03% Estimation of Total Equity $ 1,821.00 $ 1,744.50 $ 76.50 4.39% The table mirrors every single significant worth introduced in the announcement of changes in value of Graincorp Company. On taking a gander at the general changes in the value estimation of organization it tends to be said that there was little change in the estimations of the value. Hence, it infers that organization has not issue any value share in year 2015 to fund development just as acquisition of fixed resources. The worth contributed value has expanded to 1346 million dollar in year from 1344.80 million in year 2014, indicating an expansion of 0.09 % (Annual Report, 2015). There was no adjustment in number of value shares gave in the open market. There was change in number of treasury partakes in year 2015 in light of the fact that some of treasury was reclaimed by the organization. There was significant change in estimation of held income (Houston and Brigham, 2009). Estimation of held income was brought by 186.27 % up in year 2015 as it was in year 2014. There was very litt le change in held income when both year figure was looked at (Annual Report, 2015). Articulation of Profit and Loss account The benefit and misfortune articulations of an organization sums up the incomes, expenses and costs that is brought about during a specific timeframe. It ends up being helpful for the financial specialists and loan bosses to build up a comprehension of the business forms utilized by an association to produce pay and deal with its expenses. Organizations can likewise effectively make expectations in regards to the future costs including rent, compensations, gear buys and overhead expenses. Benefit and misfortune proclamation empowers an association to create future systems for improving its income and diminishing the expenses. Explanation of Profit and Loss Graincorp Company (Figures in Million Dollars) Things 2015 2014 Increment of Decrease % Increase or Decrease in year 2015 Income $ 4,064.00 $ 4,169.10 $ (105.10) - 2.52% Cost of Goods Sold $ 3,292.70 $ 3,347.00 $ (54.30) - 1.62% Sums Expenses before Income Tax Expense $ 4,029.50 $ 4,113.60 $ (84.10) - 2.04% Non working increase or (misfortune) $ 72.40 $ 16.10 $ 56.30 349.69% Acquiring per Share $ 0.14 $ 0.22 $ (0.08) - 36.36% Personal Tax $ 11.50 $ 14.80 $ (3.30) - 22.30% Fund Cost (Interest) $ 43.00 $ 45.00 $ (2.00) - 4.44% Overall gain $ 43.60 $ 65.10
Friday, August 21, 2020
Live Like Stan
Live Like Stan The traffic light hanging above our car is a blur of red. Tears are burning my eyes. Ryan is seated in the passenger seat next to me. He too is teary-eyed. Its the eve of our big, 100-city book tour. The Florida sun has already set behind the Tampa Bay. Nightfall is upon us now. By the time the traffic light changes, its just a mess of wet green, a shapeless emerald cloud spilling into the nighttime ether. I received the call a moment earlier. The news: a week after Ryan avoided his own death, one of my closest friends, Stanley Dukes (pictured above), is dead. This isnt going to be easy to write. Overwhelmed with unanswerable questions, I feel a canyon of sorrow. Fuck, I cant see past the tears. He was only 36, so Im compelled to pen a thousands cliches: Life is too short. Every day is a gift. You never know when youre going to go so live your life to the fullest. While all these truisms are apt, the truth is that Stan lived more in his three and half decades than most people could in 100 years. Stanley Dukes was a Mozart of positive living, and so his attenuated life was not in vain. Of course this doesnt erase the pain, but it makes it easier to handle. We met in the corporate world a decade ago. At first, when I was a regional manager, Stan worked for me as a store manager, but he was so talentedâ"he added so much value to so many livesâ"that I often felt as though I worked for him. Although he managed dozens of employees, his genius was most pronounced in his ability to inspire people who werent self-motivated, which, if you know anything about leading people, is sort of like convincing water to be less wet. But somehow he did it, always carrying with him a smile and his PMA (Positive Mental Attitude). As a result, he was one of the most successful managers in the company. Over time, we became close friends. We shared similar values and beliefs, as well as tastes in literature and movies and music: I traded him my overwrought short stories for his hilarious pseudonymous erotic fiction; we exchanged lines from Glengarry Glen Ross characters; and we both shared a healthy obsession for John Mayers music. We became so close that he is even the first person to make an appearance in my memoir, Everything That Remains, where he pops his huge, lovable head into the very first page: Our identities are shaped by the costumes we wear. I am seated in a cramped conference room, surrounded by ghosts in shirtsleeves and pleated trousers. There are thirty-five, maybe forty, people here. Middle managers, the lot of us. Mostly Caucasian, mostly male, all oozing apathy. The groupâs median complexion is that of an agoraphobe. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is projected onto an oversized canvas pulled from the ceiling at the front of the room. The canvas is flimsy and cracked and is a shade of off-white that suggests itâs a relic from a time when employees were allowed to smoke indoors. The rest of the room is aggressively white: the walls are white, the ceiling is white, the people are white, as if all cut from the same materials. Well, everyone except Stan, seated at the back of the room. Cincinnatiâs population is forty-five percent black, but Stan is part of our companyâs single-digit percentage. His comments, rarely solicited by executives, are oft-dismissed wi th a nod and a pained smile. Although heâs the size of an NFL linebacker, Stan is a paragon of kindness. But that doesnât stop me from secretly hoping that one day heâll get fed up with the patronizing grins and make it his duty to reformat one of the bossesâ fish-eyed faces. Of course, Stan never wouldve touched a hair on any of their balding heads. He was above that. He was above all the petty bullshit we get caught up in every day. He was above living life based on other peoples standards. His standards were too high for that. He had character. Stan contributed beyond himself. Each year at Christmastime, he dressed up as Stanta and handed out gifts to our employees. He spent many off hours donating his time to soup kitchens and Habitat for Humanity. Last year he founded a mentorship conference for young men ages 13â"18. Stan cared. When I decided to leave the corporate world three years ago, he didnt flinch. Instead, he was the first to join me. We walked away together, guided by solidarity and a kinship thats impossible to manufacture. Before I moved to Montana, we met for coffee weekly. Our visits yielded heartfelt advice on women and life, as well as arguments over which album was John Mayers best (Heavier Things or Battle Studies?). Everything about Stan reflected a profound Truth. Even his simple tweets were steeped in profundity: Countless essays on this site were inspired by my conversations with Stan. Our final conversation was memetic of his life: it was short but meaningful. Three days before Thanksgiving I sent him a message: I dont have to wait till Thursday to be thankful for you. Im grateful youre in my life. To which he replied succinctly: Thanks for that. Know that I feel the same. Stan lived until he died. He truly lived. Every day. Not like most of us who walk through life like its some kind of dress rehearsal, worrying about bullshit that doesnt matter. Nope, Stan was so alive, one of the only people I know who didnt take this life for granted. If theres a lesson to be learned here, its that, like Stan, were all going to die, but few of us will be courageous enough to live as he did: honest, well-rounded, passionate, positive, and constantly improving. Above all, Stan Dukes was good people, a man I aspire to live like. That green blur overhead is my signal to step on the gas, to wipe the tears and move forward. Perhaps youll do likewise. I know Stan would. 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Sunday, May 24, 2020
Sophocles Antigone Was A Book - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1054 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/05/23 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Antigone Essay Did you like this example? Sophocles Antigone was a book that had a unique plot. One of the ideas presented in this specific play was feminism and Antigoners determination to go against their ruler. Along with this idea occurred a number of tragedies, which means therers also a tragic hero. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Sophocles Antigone Was A Book" essay for you Create order There are numerous debates in determining the tragic hero in this play, between the protagonist Antigone and Creon, Antigoners cruel uncle. Tragic heroes, in any work, is a character not necessarily the protagonist- with a tragic flaw who brings upon their own downfall and misfortune. This makes it obvious that Creon is more fit to be considered as the tragic hero. Although Antigone faced many conflicts and flaws, Creon is more suitable to this title because of the conflicts he faces, his acknowledgement of his wrongdoings, and how he takes punishment at the end. At the beginning, Creon is seen as a leader with fine morals and definite laws that come along with punishments. However, the conflict in the play starts when Creon doesnt allow for a proper burial of Antigoners brother. Creon, who was allied with Eteocles, has proclaimed that the rebel Polyneices should not be allowed burial, under strict penalty of death to anyone who would disobey his order, (Explanation of: ?Antigone)This portrays Creon with his excessive amount of pride he has towards his leadership role, which characterizes his tragic flaw. Another thing he does a lot is believing that everything he does, such as all his cruel actions, is the right thing to do and does not want to acknowledge that what hers doing is wrong. For example, in the text, the author states O dearest Haimon, how your father wrong you! (Ismene) // Ive had enough of your childish talk of marriage! (Creon) This determines how Creon also wants to control his sonrs marriage/ life, by saying that his decision of not wanting Antigone for him is correct, which is why he wants death to put them apart. He felt superiority when it came to his family. And even though Antigoners brothers were in the throne, he felt as if he had higher authority than the gods. This can be seen when he says, The State is the king! He believes that none other than him can make all decisions for them. At this point, Creon is portrayed as arrogant. But Haemon replies with, Yes, if the State is a desert. This can consider that even his own son is not fond of his father and doesnt like the way he rules. Yet making another point on the qualities of a tragic hero. After a few turn of events, Creon soon realizes that all of his selfishness and pride he had gets in the way of his fate. It wasnt until a prophet, Teiresias, reveals that Creon has a doomed future. .deserted by Haemon, condemned by Teiresias, he is ultimately punished through his family (Winnington). The writer states that as Creon knows of his fate, there is more doom to come from his family but it is not known to him until afterwards. Although Creon may be full of his own pride, he cared for his family which is why his punishment for his actions refer to his family. Think: all men make mistakes,// But a good man yields when he knows his curse is wrong,// And repairs the evil (Play). When Teiresias says this to Creon, he expects him to have a change of heart in letting Antigone free, but since Creon thought he was right about everything, he chose not to. He gave up this chance and by not doing so, he couldve compensated for his wrong-doings. This all goes back to the characteristic s of being a tragic hero. His tragic flaw being his pride because he wants to seem like he is a strong and flawless leader. He doesnt want to be able to show his flaws to others and he also doesnt want to accept them to himself. Therefore, after not being able to compensate for his actions, he actually falls for Teiresias prophecy of bringing calamity to his life. At last, when Creon learns of the deaths, he starts to acknowledge all the conflicts he brought to himself and others. His wife died. His son died. These were the cause of the actions of Creon, the way his pride took over his doings/ sayings all contributed to these tragedies. Creon, whose tragedy is brought to its completion (Winnington). What this quote means is that after those deaths, Creonrs doom has come to be. When this happens, he started to realize that it all goes back to what he did, and he knows that he was the cause of it. He says, I have been rash and foolish (Play ) Creon recognizes that he has been nothing but relying on his own instincts and focusing everything on his own decisions, and not knowing that doing that was hurting others, even if he didnt do the things directly at them. His pride was what let him to his downfall and he acknowledges it far too late, not listening to what others had to say about his ruling. He wouldnt take any ruling advice from anyone, not even from his own family. He also says, Fate has brought all my pride to a thought of dust (Play). This determined how he acknowledged that it was his own pride that brought upon his own downfall. The realization of his mistakes and actions is another determination of a tragic hero. Creon carries all the characteristics there is to a tragic hero. First, his tragic flaw was that he was full of pride. His pride led to all the other conflicts and he was involved in every problem, whether it was family wise or ruling wise. At the end, he was able to realize all his mistakes and acknowledged what it was that contributed to his downfall. On the other hand, Antigone mightve had a tragic flaw and several conflicts, but she wasnt able to acknowledge anything and it isnt known that she learned from whatever mistakes she made. Itrs also not shown where she knows about where she went wrong and such. Creon, though, does realize where he goes wrong even if it is far too late. Therefore, making Creon the true tragic hero of Antigone.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Observation of the Early Childhood Essay - 1574 Words
Observation of the Early Childhood An observation was held in the childrens wing of Tarrant County Junior College. A variety of children between the ages of two to six were observed in activities ranging from physical and motor to social and cognitive development. Specifically I mean that whether it was leadership skills or lack of, running, climbing and jumping, drawing and writing, or anything that could fall between, it has been seen, done and accounted for in the following observation. First lets start with the physical and motor development. Please say hello to Karligh and Bethany, my first volunteers of the observation. Both girls are in the four-year olds. The first activities under physical and motor developmentâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This didnt always hold as true. As mentioned before, there were exceptions such as Karligh. Now were on to the second half of the observation, which involves social and cognitive development. This section includes sociodramatic play, drawing pictures, counting and identifying leadership skills or the lack of. The first half of this section takes place in the kindergartens room where all of the kids are five or six years of age. The sociodramatic play I saw involved two kids (Matt and Tyler), three wooden box-like objects and a board that was close to the size of a board seen on a seesaw. The three wooden boxes are spaced about eight inches apart, side by side, with the board lying across all three boxes. The board hangs past the boxes approximately three feet. So what do you have Thats right, a spaceship. No specific movies or TV shows are mentioned in this play. We simply have Matt as the pilot and Tyler as the copilot as the two fly over the galaxy fighting other spaceships. Now the children are landing the spaceship at an airport where Matt says hes going to work on it. The children hop off the ship and shift the board and climb back on the ship to go fight some other guys. In the middle of a battle Miss Williams, the teacher, announces that its cleanup time and she pops the clea n up song in the tape player. Without hesitation and in factShow MoreRelatedThe Observation Of Early Childhood Children1162 Words à |à 5 Pageschildââ¬â¢s life. When a child starts learning new words or learning who they want to be in life. These milestones are all a part of life and each age develops a new sense of self. A doctor, scientist, teacher, etc. My paper is based on the observation of early childhood aged children from our church ministry. The church childrenââ¬â¢s ministry ranged from ages two to age five. While observing I found some similarities as well as differences but most of all joy and I loved every minute. 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CATCH Early Childhood Physical Education, this program is for the studentââ¬â¢s daily active and physical play. This program is to meet the physical requirements; the goal is to get the students participating and happy to be involved in physical education. ââ¬Å"The activitiesRead MoreEarly Childhood Observation Paper624 Words à |à 3 PagesObservation Paper #1 Environment Setting: During my observation at the preschool here at Harper, I looked around and realized a lot of similarities and differences it has; compared to other daycare and preschool centers. The age of children in the room I observed was ages 3-5 with one lead teacher, and depending on the ratio of how many kids showed up on that day, about three or four helping teachers. The program was set up to a very open, happy and overwhelming setting. Every furniture and objectRead MoreEarly Childhood Play Observation Paper1567 Words à |à 7 PagesKaushiga Selvamanickam ECE: 101 INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PLAY OBSERVATIOIN PAPER The School I Selected For the Play Observation Is QUINSIGAMOND CHILDRENââ¬â¢S SCHOOL AN EARLY EDUCATION AND CHILDCARE PROGRAM. This school is a licensed childcare program and NAEYC accelerated. The center is providing child care program for children age from 2.9 to 5 years old. There is 2 preschool classroom, I did my observation in preschool classroom room no: 1 on 10/2/2017 time from 9am to 10am. ThereRead MoreInfant/Early Childhood Naturalistic Observation Essay722 Words à |à 3 Pagesthe George Mason University campus. This observation lasted about fifteen minutes with a total of twelve students in the classroom. At the time of my observation the students were engaging in free playtime where they are allowed to play games, make crafts, and interact with their fellow classmates. I was seated in the corner of the classroom where the children could not easily see me or get distracted by me. I stayed seated throughout the whole observation so the students would not be affected byRead MoreKei Tua o Te Pai: Early Childhood Assessment Exemplars1228 Words à |à 5 Pagesabout assessing childrens learning thr ough play, Kei Tua o te Pae/Assessment for learning: Early Childhood Exemplars, learning stories and how beneficial Kei Tua o te Pae and learning stories are to early childhood teachers. Kei Tua o te Pae/Assessment for learning: Early Childhood Exemplars are extremely useful to any early childhood teacher at any level, from the student teacher, to the early childhood teacher with decades of experience as there are many different examples of assessing a childRead MoreA Pleasurable And Educational Preschool Observation1271 Words à |à 4 Pagesï » ¿ A Pleasurable and Educational Preschool Observation: Option E I observed a 4 year old preschool class during playtime in Staten Island, New York. The class consisted of eight children, and one certified preschool teacher. There were 4 boys and 4 girls in the class. During my sixty minute observation I noticed several instances of dramatic play, peer relationships, relationships with adults, and self-control. Dramatic Play During my observation, I witnessed a group of two- one boy and one girl-playingRead MoreDevelopmentally Appropriate Practices ( Dap )960 Words à |à 4 Pagesand interacting physically with objects and persons. This classroom is full of materials, activities, and direct interactions that lead the student into active learning. The observations for this report were conducted at the Laredo Community College Camilo Prada Early Child Development Center in the blue classroom. OBSERVATION SUMMARY #1 ââ¬â INDOOR SPACE . The blue classroom met DAP practices in that the furniture was sized appropriately to the ages of the children that were in that classroom (approxRead MoreDeveloping A Safe And Healthy Environment1471 Words à |à 6 Pageschild (Early Learning for, 2007, p. 3). In November 2004, the Ontario administration created a great plan called the ââ¬Å"Early Learning for Every Child Todayâ⬠(ELECT). By launching this plan, Ontario fulfilled its dream. In addition, the ELECT document contains comprehensive and rich sources of information that enhances, rather than modifies, planned curriculum in all Ontarioââ¬â¢s care centers operating under the Day Nurseries Act. As long as early childhood professionals working in early childhood settings
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Dirty Truth About The Room Book Essay Topics
The Dirty Truth About The Room Book Essay Topics All About the Room Book Essay Topics Read the very first and last paragraphs of each essay prior to beginning. You also need to make certain you express what's meaningful and relevant about yourself that can aid your essay stick out from all the others. My essay would develop into a completely different beast. Inside my experience, descriptive essays are only difficult in regards to deciding just what things to write about. That is exactly what this essay question is asking you to handle. The prompt should help you begin to formulate ideas on the way you wish to construct your essay. An excellent topic for an argumentative essay ought to be an issue that's 2-sided. They're a chance to do some creative writing, even in the event the essay topic you select looks pretty boring at first. the Room Book Essay Topics: the Ultimate Convenience! Whatever the requirements are, it is vital to stick to the guidelines presented in order to be eligible for the scholarship. If we expect to make the most of these opportunities, we will need to acquire past this mindset. Be cautious of fraudulent scholarships or internet scams connected with simple to get scholarships, as they're becoming more and more common online. Fortunately, there are a few one of a kind scholarships out there which are aimed only for online or distance learning students. The Death of the Room Book Essay Topics George admits to the man wh ich he wishes he hadn't ever been born. We wish to be let in the story. We're not welcome within this story. The Story, in Short, may provide you a reason to read a book, and that's the entire purpose of the publication. The curse of the conventional writer is that the publisher wants a book no more frequently than one time per year. To overcome our fears, we must get started writing. I frequently use the word stingy to describe this sort of writing. What a means to introduce the principal character! I frequently find myself driving around town trying to find the ideal place to compose my next piece or finish my final draft. With a brief piece, you can't get rid of sight of the whole since you may read and reread it many times as you work. Lots of people are afraid that the earth will soon become too over-populated, and there isn't going to be sufficient room or food for everybody. This is a huge tip as a way to ask individuals to move to the initial rows. Choosing The Room Book Essay Topics If we would like to make an impact, we must share our thoughts with other people. And most thoughts which make it from my mind to the computer wind up being useless. Write with intention that is to s ay, have a point you wish to make. It's possible to range too far into the domain of the bizarre. That is the reason why it's referred to as a workable research question. Brainstorming is a significant step to make certain your idea fits with the prompt and properly expresses what you're attempting to communicate through your essay. It's also considerable work, an endeavor of sorts, that demands discipline and practice. Within the next article, I begin to unravel the research approach. The family that used to reside in the city will discover that they definitely will need to do research before purchasing real estate in the nation for a price that's too fantastic to trust. While I stop working the remainder of the day is posthumous. This will provide you with more time to revise, especially those pieces which you didn't fully understand the very first moment. You need to make time to write. Over the duration of an amazing hour, Anjali gave us tips on the best way to focus your essay. A couple of students said they were so focused on meeting the specifications they couldn't consider the essay topic. At the conclusion of each guide, a link was provided which will direct you into the appropriate contest's page which will offer comprehensive information for that specific contest. Ultimately, the most essential suggestion is to simply read and reread the instructions multiple times to make sure you realize the prompt, what's expected of you, and all the other essential guidelines pertaining to your essay. The remainder of them missed a minumum of one specification, thus failing the essay. the Room Book Essay Topics Can Be Fun for Everyone This book was become an awesome film that we also advise checking out. For your information, a great novel can alter the world. The detail of the books isn't consistent most obviously in the results of the trial that is the central thread of Mockingbird. Enter my completely free giveaway for an opportunity to win a number of the best books on writing. This isn't powerful either, however tempting it might appear. Like clutter, they make i t tricky to find out what's really going on, in relation to the perfect arc of narrative or argument in a chapter. These dependent clauses always take commas since they are NOT critical for the significance of the sentence. You'll know when removing the very first person is great once the paragraph stands on its own without the usage of the very first person narrative. The Little-Known Secrets to the Room Book Essay Topics Don't begin writing the play at the same time, but find a tiny notebook and put down all you consider your play in the notebook, in the same way the ideas come to you without rhyme or reason especially. His only decision is to concentrate on adults or other children. A guy has a chance to devote the night with a childhood crush that has been dead for over twenty decades. The actual problem is the thing that happens to your reading memory if you do this backtracking routine each and every day for the life span of the book.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Statement of purpose Canada free essay sample
I XXXX have successfully enrolled with XXXX, XXXX to pursue 2 years Diploma in Culinary Management in XXXXX Intake. I have decided to study in this area because when I started attending school, I was asked about what I wanted to be when I grew up and my answer always keep on changing ever since. I have always dreamed of being known of something important something that would make a difference in everyones routine, even it meant a typical meal or a box of delicious cookies to cheer someone up. But most of all it had to be something that would defy my creativity and allow it to be boundless, In order that I would always feel passionate and enthusiastic about my work. All along culinary arts were present in my life, in myself. I always feel happy about my cooking and constantly try to improve and learn more about it. We will write a custom essay sample on Statement of purpose Canada or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Today I can finally say for sure that my dream is to be a Chef and since my talent and satisfaction rely more on cooking desserts, I wish to become a Pastry Chef. I often feel motivated by Chefs like Gordon Ramsey, Harpal Singh Sokhi, Sanjeev Kumar, and Pastry Chef Bartolo Valastro, Jr. However, nowadays I aspire much more as I see myself in the future managing a bake shop or a restaurant worthy of rewards resembling the famous Michelin Star. I have chosen to study abroad because I believe that the English language is one of the most important means of communication in whichever industry and as a result I consider that it is the best option to reach out for national and especially international attention. Among all of the options offered, Ottawa, Canada seemed the most fitted to me. Canada is a world leader when it comes to education, its high academic standard and rigorous quality control ensured me of my future and career for a long term. A Canadian diploma or degree is recognized in the world. Living standards in Canada are also amongst the highest in the world. In spite of these high standard cost of education and living for international students is reasonably low as compared to other destinations in the world. Algonquin college is a recognized publicly funded English language college and a member of Polytechnics Canada located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It is also one of the prestigious institutes for higher education. The two year Culinary management diploma is designed to train commercial cooks with an emphasis on advanced culinary skills, managerial training and hands-on experience. Training is provided by respected industry leaders and in state-of-the-art Kitchen labs. Students are also required to complete a 160 hours of culinary placement to ensure program fulfillment. This work placement not only provides hands on experience but also refines the skills by providing practical real world experience as a culinary professional. This program is divided into four main parts to ensure and maintain quality as per culinary and health industries. This programs very much suits my needs as a creative entrepreneur who wants to own a restaurant in future. Therefore, after completing my Diploma from Canada. I look forward to come back to India and contribute into the booming Indian food industry which is worth US $ 37. 71 billion expected to grow 11 percent each year. Being graduated from a internationally recognized institute will play a important part in achieving my goals in the industry. I will also apply my learnt skills into the industry, so that guest within the country and international visitors would not have to compromise with the quality of food and service.
Friday, April 3, 2020
The Taj Mahal free essay sample
The magnificent monument in India is the every loverââ¬â¢s journey, it is the ultimate tribute to love, a stunning piece of marble which reflects the image of love and beauty. it was built by Mughaual empire Shah Jahal as a dedicate monument to his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Taj Mahal is now in the Top of the list of Seven Wonders of the World and as a UNESCO world heritage site. The Taj Mahal is one of the worldââ¬â¢s famous tourist attractions and one of the most beautiful structure composition in the world, it is located in the city of Agra in Northern India. Shah Jahal had first met her when she was fourteen, and he was fifteen, he had immediately fallen in love with her and could not get married until she was nineteen years old. The name of ââ¬Å"Mumtaz Mahalâ⬠is meant by ââ¬Å"The chosen one of the Palaceâ⬠as it diverts the beauty name of his beloved. We will write a custom essay sample on The Taj Mahal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Shah Jahal was Muslim ruler of the Mughal empire in India from 1628 to 1658. The construction began in 1632, the complex was designed by master of architects one of them was the chief architect Ustad Ahmed Lahawari an Indian of Persian descent, the renowned Islamic architect of that time. The Taj Mahal is an excellent example of magnificent architectural beauty took 22 years to be built in which the project began in 1632 C. E and completed in 1648 C. E, the complex is entirely built of white marbles which reflects hues according to the intensity of sunlight or moonlight. Thousands of elephants carried the construction materials to the construction site for hundreds of miles. 20,000 workers from India, Persia and other countries from the world where in the construction of this admirable building. The cost of Taj Mahal structure costs 32 Million Rupees which was an enormous amount at that time, the beauty architect still exists and it is the most famous tourist attraction in the world. The death of Mumtaz Mahal was so overpowering for Shah Jahal as he starved himself away without food and drinks for a week. When he appeared, his hair and bear had turned white. Whole of north India had proclaimed to the mourning for his wife along with him. Above all, on the banks of the river Yumna Jehal had selected a site for Mumtaz Mahal burial in his capital city of Agra in which he invited leading Architects from different countries to submit a designs for a monument for his beloved wife, Ustad Ahmed was one of the demanding task , in addition Ismail Lenan who came from Istanbul, Turkey and Armant Khan were employed as masters of Art. Together with Ustad Ahmed and other architects some say that an Italian architect called Verona had designed the great monument but he died when he was on his way to Lahore. However, this story is not dominant or firmly believed as there exists many counter views. The entire design of the Taj mahal is compeletely symmettrical with four minarets at each corner of the tomb, the walls of the tomb were laid with beautiful designs of flowered traced with precious stones to reflect Mumtaz beauty, besides the caligraohy of the Taj Mahal have inscriptions of 99 names of God written by a Persian Calligraphy Armanat Khan. Above all, a water channel studded with fountain runs through the center of the complex, a rows of Cyprus trees is bordered on either sides which symbolizes death. The admirable building is made of precious marbles and stones, the white marbles were obtained from Makrana, as well as it is covered with fine writing that consists many of verses from Koran, moreover the marbles produces a stunning appearance that changes dramatically as the light changes. Distinctive materials were used in this great structure such as Diamonds which arrived from legendary Golconda in India, Quartz from Himalayas, mother-of-pearl and rare shells from the Indian ocean, turquoise came from Tibet, jade and crystal from China, onyx from Persia and carnelian from Baghdad. In the past it was difficult to transport construction materials and trucks were not available at that time, for this reason more than 1000 of Elephants and a lot of resources were used to carry the construction materials for hundreds of miles. A British viceroy called Lord Curzon made a great deal of restoration as he ordered the restoration of the entire complex with original materials such as replacing the larbe marble slabs and red sandstones that have worn out with new stones matching the design of the carving, If I had never done anything else in India, I have written my name here, and the letters are a living joy. ( Lord Curzon, the British Governor-General , in addition he made a new renovation of the Taj Mahal garden including the main gate of the . n 2004, a night viewing of full moon day has been announced by Taj Mahal which reflects a beautiful image of this great structure. To prevent pollution, convential cars are banned within a 500- meter from the monument. The Taj mahal is more than just a histyotrical magnifence monument built by the muhjual emperor shah, it is the ultimate honor of love, itââ¬â¢s a romantic building monument for his beloved wife, in fact it is a famous tourist attraction and considere d as one of worldââ¬â¢s seven wonders.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
No Pretty Pictures essays
No Pretty Pictures essays 1. What were your feelings after reading the first chapters of the book, After reading the first half, After finishing the book. When I first started reading this book, I thought it was going to be very draggy, and that there would really be no story to it. And that it would be such a hard book to get through even though it was so short. Then as I started getting further and further into the story it got more interesting. I started to enjoy reading it about half way through. Some things seem a little far fetched, thats what you get when you read fiction though. I dont really like fiction, so it all seems fake to me. There were some pretty interesting things that happened to Kino and his wife Juana. I liked the book, when it was over, I thought that it was a good book to have read. The ending I think is the best, I usually dont like endings that end quickly but for some reason I thought it fit this story. 2. Did this book make you laugh? Cry? Cringe? Smile? Cheer? Explain. Well there were a lot of different emotions that I felt during this book. So many good things and bad things happened. In the beginning I just couldnt wait to get done the book. Then when Coyotio got stung, I felt bad. And then I felt even worse when Kino didnt have money to hire a doctor. But it was cool that he happened to find a pearl that he thought was worth a lot of money. I could go on like this through the whole story, for every time that my emotions changed. But basically in the end I was sad. I didnt like the idea that the baby dies, after all of that started just because Kino wanted to save his sons life. And the baby dies in the end. So over all I would have to say that the story made me cry (even though I never actually cried or cheered or smiled). 3. What connections are there between the book and your life. The only connection I can see between the book and my life would be the n...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Sports Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Sports Management - Essay Example To achieve this, the plan must therefore analyze both micro and macro-economic factors that affect the industry and are therefore likely to influence the profitability of the new company (Elizabeth & Michelle, 2008). Among the factors analyzed in the summary below, include economic, social, legal, economic and technical factors that affect the industry and the institution of a new company in the country. In analyzing the factors, the summary below answers particular questions that help depict the relevance of the new company in the industry. Among the questions are problems the new company will solve, the companyââ¬â¢s customers and the size of the market. By answering such questions, the plan below proves to the potential investors that the new company just as any other business will make profits thereby safeguarding their interests. Stamford Bridge Academy will be a football coaching company based in London. The company will train professional coaches and hire them out to local football clubs and schools within the city. As stated earlier, football is the most famous game in the city of London. The city has two main football teams playing in the national league, which have raised the popularity of the sport. Besides Arsenal and Chelsea, which are major contenders in the English premier league, the city has several other teams playing in various local and national leagues. Besides the hundreds of the smaller teams in different leagues, secondary and primary schools also have football teams and participate in different sporting activities within the country. The demand for professional coaches is therefore high in the city a feature that will earn the new company a potential local market before expanding to other regions within the country. The schools appointed a talented teacher to coach the teams in the past; however, the increasing competitiveness of the sport in the region has
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Week one Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week one Discussion - Assignment Example 7). Likewise, these people were revealed to be alert and interested to indulge in various activities such as: ââ¬Å"using the Internet for shopping, keeping in touch with family members, and learning about all sorts of topics. Theyre attending college classes, taking art lessons, and scheduling trips to Prague, Alaska, and Scandinaviaâ⬠(Misconceptions About Aging, 2013, par. 10). 2. Research the aging theories discussed. Which one makes the most sense to you-why? Research a study on one aspect of aging and tell the class about it-be brief and cite your source. Do you agree with the study conclusions? There were two major categories of aging theories: biological and social theories (Lecture Notes: Topic 3: Theoretical Perspectives on Aging, 2013, p. 3). One believes that biological theories make most sense because physical changes naturally occur out of biological process which could not be prevented. One modern biological theory was the programmed theory which reportedly implies that ââ¬Å"aging follows a biological timetable, perhaps a continuation of the one that regulates childhood growth and development. This regulation would depend on changes in gene expression that affect the systems responsible for maintenance, repair and defense responsesâ⬠(Jin, 2010, par. 3). As such, Jin(2010) expounded that there are three sub-categories of the programmed theory which included: (1) programmed longevity, where the life span depends on apparent switching on and off of genes; (2) endoctrine theory, where homones were noted to control aging; and (3) immunological theory, where the immune system contributes to alleged propensities to contract illnesses that eventually shortens the life span. With the extensiveness and comprehensiveness of the study, one thereby agrees with the study and the authorââ¬â¢s
Monday, January 27, 2020
Fibonacci And The Golden Ratio Mathematics Essay
Fibonacci And The Golden Ratio Mathematics Essay Some aspects of mathematics can be dull and tedious from start to end, much of it however is intriguing and inspiring, when you truly see the beauty and the relevance. This is why I would like to bring to your attention the magic of the Fibonacci numbers. If you have ever looked at a sheet of paper and wondered Why do we use those dimensions? or looked at the leaf or an attractive plant and wondered Why can I never find a four leaved clover? then this may be of some interest. Many of these things are quite interconnected in a way you would not realise, and most of them are connected by the Fibonacci sequence. If I return to one of my original questions Why can I never find a four leaved clover? it seems reasonable, that if you can find 3 leaved clover and 5 leaved clover, you would be able to find the more symmetrical 4 leaved clover. Why then is it so rare to find one? If we look closely at other examples of nature, we can perhaps find the answer. If you were to search through your average garden, you would find the majority of flowers have 5 petals, many have 3 or 8 or more but if you look closely, you will always find more of certain numbers, compared to others. These numbers just so happen to be part of the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 Although, why does nature choose these numbers over others? In addition, the connection between the real world and this sequence does not just end there; it can be found almost everywhere we look: spirals on a snail shell, the core of an apple, geometry, art, architecture, the stock market and even the human body. So what makes it so useful? Why is it so special? My project intends to answer these questions and along the way discover new applications and more examples. I will be delving into the mathematical concepts behind the nature we see every day, the regular objects we rely on, the human body and the stock market. I shall also investigate aspects of the golden ratio and how the Fibonacci sequence is related to this. The Fibonacci sequence is found by adding the previous term to the term before that. For example: 0, 1, 1, 2, ? 0 +1=1 1+1=2 1+2=3 and so on.. Overall equation for next term: a_(n+1)= a_n+ a_(n-1) This creates an infinite sequence of numbers and is known as a recursive sequence, as each number is a function of the previous two. Also, as the sequence progresses the ratio between each consecutive term seems to converge upon a single number. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 2/1=2 3/2=1.5 5/3=1.667 8/5=1.6 13/8=1.625 21/13=1.615 F=1.618034 Eventually, it converges to 1.618034 This number has a specific interest to many mathematicians and is known as the golden ratio. It is also useful when we consider where it is found. If you were to take your hand and bend the index finger as full as possible, measuring the dimensions of the rectangle created, you would find what is known as a golden rectangle. The average height (of the intermediate phalange) would be around 3cm and the average length (of the proximal phalange) would be 5cm. As we can see from left this creates a shape of ratio 5:3 or simply 1.667:1 (the golden ratio). This is only one of the many examples of golden ratio in the body. There are many, many more some of which have been known for hundreds of years (see Da Vinci s Vitruvian man right). Also, the golden ratio is not just confined to the human body. Rather than cutting and apple from pole to pole, if you were to slice in a horizontal fashion, you would find a simple five pointed star. However, it is much more complex than meets the eye. If you were to take the distance AB as 1 unit, the distance AC would be 1.618, the golden ratio. But why does this happen, what make this ratio so efficient and so appealing, and why has nature adopted it? History of the Sequence and Ratio From the start of the Palaeozoic era, 400 million years ago, animals of divine proportions have been roaming the earth. The most notable is the nautilus shell (right) which follows a logarithmic spiral based on the golden ratio in rectangles. The earliest written documentation of a special ratio belongs to the Rhind papyrus. A scroll about 6 metres long and 1/3 of a metre wide, it is one of the first mathematical handbooks. It was discovered by Scottish Egyptologist Henry Rhind in 1858 and is believed to have been written by Egyptian scribe, Ahmes in 1650 BC. He is believed to have copied it, from a document 200 years older, dating the first notation of the sequence to 1850 BC. However, the pyramids, built 1000 years previous, show many examples of the use of golden ratio, although many scholars believe it is merely coincidence created by the need for right angles. Between the 6th and 3rd centuries, Greek philosophers, mathematicians and artists used and analysed the golden ratio. It is visible in pentagons and pentagrams throughout the period and was attributed to Pythagoras and his followers. It was used as part of his symbol (a pentagram with a pentagon within) and it was he, who first suspected the proportion was the basis of the human figure. Plato also studied the ratio naming it most blinding of mathematical relations, the key to the physics of the cosmos. and from his lectures so did Eudoxus, whose work was used by Euclid in his book of elements II. Here he writes one of the first definitions A straight line is said to have been cut in extreme and mean ratio when, as the whole line is to the greater segment, so is the greater to the less. During his work he creates problems based on the ratio in pentagons, equilateral triangles and some of his prepositions show the ratio to be an irrational number. The first person to apply numbers and sequence to construct the golden ratio was Leonardo of Pisa (full name, Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, lived 1180-1250). He was the son of an Italian businessman from the city of Pisa and grew up within a trading colony in North Africa. At the time, Italy and the majority of Europe was using the Roman numeral system of counting, this was quite complex and meant most calculations required an abacus. While growing up in Algeria he learned the Hindu-Arabic system of calculation (the familiar 0, 1, 2). After returning to Pisa as a young man in the thirteenth century, he recognised the superiority of this new structure and began to spread it throughout Europe. He did this through his book the Liber Abaci (book of abacus) published in 1202 under the nickname, Fibonacci (a contraction of filius Bonacci, meaning son of Bonacci). To explain the system he used the Fibonacci sequence in his famous immortal rabbits problem (see next section of more detail). This allowed him to explain addition, subtraction and division using the Hindu- Arabic system and in turn allowed him to popularise it through Western Europe. Due to this he was later known as the founder of western mathematics and the greatest European mathematician of the middle ages. He introduced concepts such as algebra, geometry, the common fraction and even the square root symbol. He also considered the possibility of negative numbers and related it to merchant problems which began with a debt. There was very little significant work done upon the topic until 1509, when Luca Pacioli published De Divina Proportione with the help of illustrations by Leonardo Da Vinci, who later used this within his famous work the Vitruvian man . In 1611, German astronomer Johann Kepler discovered the numbers within his own work on planetary motion saying as 5 is to 8, so is 8 to 13, practically, and as 8 is to 13, so is 13 to 21 almost in relation to the rings around Saturn. It was later found that the ratio of mean distance between planets was in fact the golden ratio. Over the next two centuries many scholars investigated the sequence, deriving formulas and functions. In 1830, A. Braun first applied the sequence to the arrangement of bracts on a pinecone. A decade later and J.P.M. Binet derived a formula for the value of any Fibonacci number without the need for the previous two. nth number= 1/(v5) ((1+v5)/2)^n- 1/(v5) ((1-v5)/2)^n In 1920, Oxford Botanist A.H Church discovered spirals on sunflower heads corresponded to the numbers in Fibonacci s rabbit problem (see next section). This discovery inspired botanists to look for Fibonacci numbers elsewhere, teams then began to realise that many phyllotactic ratio s are golden ratio s (see flower patterns and primorda). In the 1930 s, Joseph Schillinger consciously composed a piece of music using Fibonacci intervals and Ralph Elliot began predicting the stock market in Fibonacci periods. By the 1960 s, a lively interest had been aroused and to this day mathematicians around the world are investigating the uses and problems connected with the sequence. The Immortal Rabbits Problem To explain his mathematical theorems, Fibonacci liked to create problems to allow his audience to use the maths he tried to describe. The immortal rabbits problem is one such challenge. It was first described within his famous Liber abaci and was later adopted as an explanation for the Fibonacci sequence. Imagine if you will a large enclosure and within it a pair of rabbits. The immortal rabbit problem asks if there is one pair to begin with, how many rabbits will there be after a certain length of time if: Each rabbit is immortal They stay within their pairs They breed once per month and produce a pair each time Each new pair takes 1 month to mature, and then breeds to form a new pair the next month January, we start with 2 rabbits, these then take one month to breed.. February, there is now one adult pair and a new born pair of immature rabbits. March, the new born pair have now matured, and the adult pair have reproduced April, the new born pair from March have now developed, the first pair reproduce again and the second pair reproduce for the first time.. The pattern continues until Month Pairs of mature rabbits Pairs of immature rabbits Overall Number of Pairs January 1 0 1 February 1 1 2 March 2 1 3 April 3 2 5 May 5 3 8 June 8 5 13 July 13 8 21 August 21 13 34 September 34 21 55 October 55 34 89 November 89 55 144 December 144 89 233 After a while, we begin to notice a pattern, the total number of rabbits in any given month is a Fibonacci number. This is because the total is formed from the number of immature rabbits (the same as the number of mature rabbits the last month) and the number of mature rabbits (the total from the previous month) i.e. a_(n+1)= a_n+ a_(n-1) Another interesting note is the rate of growth in the population. 2/1 = 2 3/2= 1.5 5/3= 1.666 8/3= 1.625 . this continues until we reach a_(n+1)/a_n =1.618034.. i.e. the Golden Ratio. Flower patterns and primorda As we have seen in the introduction, nature has applied the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio from the number of petals on a flower, to the core of an apple and the spirals of a sunflower. On the face of it, this seems to be a fortunate and appealing coincidence, but since the 1920 s botanist have searched and found more and more of these coincidences . This leads us to believe that perhaps, they have a much deeper and more interesting meaning for the life of your average plant. Maybe these numbers and ratios were chosen for a reason. Even from Egyptian times it was noted that most flowers had 5 petals, the rest by majority also have Fibonacci numbers of petals. Also, if you examine the many plant stems you will find the regular pattern or 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 stems at standard heights. Another interesting phenomenon, and one which may reveal the mystery of why plants behave so regularly in conjunction with the Fibonacci sequence, are the spirals shown by plants. Look carefully at the picture of the pineapple left. As you move from the top right to the bottom left you may begin to see a set of spirals, curving round the pineapple in a diagonal fashion. Upon closer inspection you may also find a similar on from top left to bottom right and less obvious, from top to bottom. If we count the number of spirals we (fortunately for this topic) seem to find only Fibonacci numbers. In fact in a study of over 2000 pineapples not a single on differed from the pattern. The same principle applies to the pinecone. Upon close inspection, you will find two different spirals, one vertically and another horizontally, all of which come in Fibonacci numbers. A separate study to that of the pineapples showed that this was the case 99% of the time. The sunflower however, has its own unique spiral display. Starting from the centre and continuing in a clockwise fashion to the outside, the number of spirals again adds to a Fibonacci number. Although, if you look in the opposite (anticlockwise) direction you will find yet another spiral and adding the number of these gives the consecutive Fibonacci number. The majority of the time this is the case, however from time to time there are variations; with larger sunflowers the number of spirals can be double Fibonacci numbers (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 26.). These spirals may be interesting and attractive to look at, but hold much more value than just aesthetics; they allow us to show just why Fibonacci numbers are so widely used in nature and give us an insight into how nature uses maths at its very core. To understand the maths behind the growth of plants we must look deep into the way it grows. As the plant grows taller the interesting components (i.e. petals, sepals, stamens, leaves) all grow from small clumps of tissue called primorda. As these begin to grow they aim to have the largest distance between leaves as possible, this means they have the maximum amount of space and light to grow, ultimately making the plant stronger and more likely to survive. This distance has been decided through evolution to allow the maximum about of light to hit the plant and it turns out this maximum point of efficiently is related to the golden ratio. It just so happens that the Golden angle is the angle one golden ratio away from the starting position. 360 1.618.. 582.5 i.e. 582.5 -360 = 222.5 away clockwise (or 137.5 anticlockwise). As they grow at their angles the leaves have enough light and space to grow. However, when the 6th leaf begin to grow the angle means it is only 32.5 from the first, this leaves it in the shade meaning it is less likely to grow and develop; this is the reason many plants use the number 5 in some areas (i.e. in the number of petals) as the 6th would have less room and is less likely to grow. Sometimes called the phyllotactic ratio, the connection between this and efficiency in plants does not just end there. If we take ourselves back to the sunflower and its spirals we can see that this also has connections to the same ratio. As it begins to grown from the centre outwards each primorda (and therefore each seed head) grows on golden angle away from the previous. As the ratios between consecutive Fibonacci numbers are approximations to the golden ratio (and therefore used to create approximations to the golden angle) we begin to see them within the spirals. This is the main reason Fibonacci numbers are present in so many places; they form the best approximations of the golden ratio. Although, the actual number of spirals that arises depends upon the size of the seed head and slight variations in the rate at which the primorda migrate away from the tip of the growing shoot. As we saw from the rotations in plant leaves above, the golden angle is used to give the most space and therefore the most light. In the seed head however this is not a problem so why has evolution adapted to use it? The answer to this was first discovered by Professor H. Vogel in 1979. He noticed that using the golden angle allowed the seed head to pack together with hardly any missing space. This meant it was very efficient as more seeds could fit in a small area and also much stronger. In turn it meant there would be more seeds and better chance of offspring. This was later supported by French physicists Yves Couder and Stephan Douady, who found the choice of angle the natural consequence of the dynamics of growing a plant shoot . They stated that each primorda gets pushed into the largest available space, so they pack more efficiently, making the golden angle the most likely choice. They also discovered that the next best choice for packing an angle created by a second very similar sequence called the anomalous series (4, 7, 11, 18, 29). After inspection of more spirals and more plant this was found to be the 2nd most common choice after the Fibonacci sequence. Overall, nature has evolved and adapted to use Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio they approximate, as it gives the most efficient method for survival. Over the years this had been pondered by many people and its frequency in nature has been described as many to be proof of intelligent design and higher power . Shapes of the Golden ratio Although undeniably stunning, the sources of the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers in nature are only half the applications of these phenomena in the real world. As humans, along with the rest of nature, are hotwired to apply the golden proportions, some of the human applications are some of the most remarkable. As a species we are attracted to the shapes they make and therefore adapt it to the structures we built, the way we think and the art we create. One of the most common shapes is that of the golden rectangle. It is formed from a ratio of length to width of 1.168 : 1 (i.e. the golden ratio). This alone is not that interesting, but remove a square with the same width and height as the width of the golden rectangle (a square ratio 1:1) and you are left with another rectangle. If you take the measurements of this you once again find the ratio 1.168 : 1 the golden rectangle. Repeat the process and the same happens again and again and again; removing a square ratio 1:1 leaves a smaller golden rectangle. The pattern continues indefinitely and is known in mathematics as a fractal (a geometric pattern that is repeated at every scale). Look at most regular paper sizes, credit cards and company logo s you will find an abundance of golden rectangles. However its man-made applications are not its only uses, it can be applied to create another, much more stunning shape the logarithmic spiral. Visually, it can be described as a long, slow spiral and is known as a logarithmic or equiangular spiral. It is known as this as each radii from the centre intercepts the curve at exactly the same angle. It is created by constructing an arc from the furthest corner of each square in the golden rectangle to the opposing corner of that square. The pattern continues and repeats the further you zoom toward the centre making this yet another Fibonacci fractal. The most stunning example of this is the chambered nautilus (see the image of its shell right). As it grows it must produce more room within its shell, while keeping its original shape. To do this it adds a chamber larger than its previous, with each radii intercepting the curve at the same angle (remaining equiangular), keeping the original shape. There are also numerous other examples including; a rams horn, a galaxy spiral, a sea horse and many more. Last but not least, the pentagon and pentagram are found to have Fibonacci connections. These shapes have interested humans for many years and have been the insignia of many religious and political groups. The explanation for its popularity however lies with our desire to search for the golden ratio. From the diagram (left), we can see how the ratio 1:F connects the length of the side of the pentagon to the distance between corners of the pentagram. There is however another ratio, the distance between a vertex and the corner of the inscribed pentagon is 1: 1/F. These ratios mean that many pentagons in nature, art and architecture have Fibonacci numbers present in the lengths. Overall, we can see how many of the regular shapes found both in nature and modern life have been dictated by the Fibonacci sequence. There are thousands of examples of these proportions in the real world and more regular shapes than have been divulged here. As interesting as finding them in the real world is, it doesn t come close the intrigue which lies behind the way we can use them to our own advantage. Art and Architecture It is said that renaissance art was inspired by a sense of beauty and proportion . It seems fitting therefore that the dimensions for such art would lie in the ratio s and sequences of the most elaborate and efficient set of numbers known to maths. The use of the series in art has however been known long before this period with Luca Pacioli stating without mathematics there is no art upon the completion of his work with Leonardo Da Vinci on De Divina Proportione (you may recall this from History of the Sequence). Legend also has it that long before this, Greek mathematician Eudoxus studied human affinity to this proportion by asking a group of his followers to divide sticks into the ratios they found most pleasing. This experiment was later adapted by German psychologist, Gustav Fechner in the 1860 s. He took a series of ten rectangles of different proportion and asked subjects to choose which they found to be the most pleasing, 76% of all participants chose the three rectangles closest to the golden rectangle. It is clear from this then that we have known for many years that the golden or divine proportion has visually pleasing qualities and unknown to us, it can be found almost everywhere we look as a direct result. One of the earliest and most obvious sightings of this was in the Great Pyramids of 4700BC. Here F is found extensively in its construction but most scholars now believe that this is more coincidence than design, it is however interesting to note that the exact height of the structure is 5813 inches (numbers of the Fibonacci sequence. 1,400 years later and the Tomb of Ramses IV was built, this was later discovered to have several approximations to the golden rectangle as its centre. It had been constructed with a double square (approximation to the golden rectangle, a golden rectangle and a double golden rectangle. The first people to consciously apply the maths of the golden ratio to their art and architecture were the Greeks. The Parthenon of Greece 440BC is the single finest example of this. The whole structure fits within the golden rectangle proportions as well as each pair of columns and even the sections of sculpture that run above the columns. The designer, Phidias was said to be the greatest and most prolific sculptor of his age. His work was dependent upon extensive use of the golden proportion. Its abundance in his work later meant the ratio was named Phi in his honour. Many artefacts of the era from urns and vases to Afroditas sculpture (right) and temples all extensively used the proportion. It is believed that as Pythagoras linked it to the human body (see next section) it was generally associated with the divine and beautiful, making many associate it with the Gods and good. One of the most interesting instances of the Fibonacci sequence at work is in the operation of the stock market.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
JC Penney Company, Inc. :: Marketing Research
JC Penney Company, Inc. J. C. Penney Company, Inc. Is one of Americaââ¬â¢s largest department store, drugstore, catalog and e-commerce retailers. Providing merchandise and services through department stores, catalogs, and the Internet. Their targeted customers are ââ¬Å"Modern Spendersâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Starting Outsâ⬠, who shop for apparel, accessories, and home furnishings through the centers where JCPenney is located and through the convenience of catalog and the Internet. Starting Outsà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à ·Ã à à à à Less than 35 years of ageà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à ·Ã à à à à Singles, young families à ·Ã à à à à 0-1 children à ·Ã à à à à Shopping patterns & relationships emerging à ·Ã à à à à No strong retail loyalties à ·Ã à à à à 28% of U.S. households. à ·Ã à à à à Currently 16% of sales à ·Ã à à à à Potentially 30% of salesà à à à à Modern Spenders à ·Ã à à à à 35-54 years of age à ·Ã à à à à Dual-earner households à ·Ã à à à à 0-2 children (often includes teenagers) à ·Ã à à à à Consumption oriented à ·Ã à à à à No strong retail loyalties & relationships à ·Ã à à à à Retail loyalties more likely à ·Ã à à à à Established shopping patterns à ·Ã à à à à Time-starved à ·Ã à à à à 27% of U.S. households à ·Ã à à à à Currently 43% of sales à ·Ã à à à à Potentially 50% of sales Distribution *Catalogs J.C. Penney is the nationââ¬â¢s largest catalog merchant, with the most modern facilities and the largest privately owned telemarketing network in America. Serving this $4 billion catalog business are nearly 2,000 catalog departments in JCPenney department stores, Eckerd drugstores, freestanding sales centers and independent catalog merchants. *Internet J.C. Penney is in only its second year of Internet sales, and its going strong and growing. Sales jumped from $15 million to $102 million since the beginning of *Department Stores JCPenney has more retail space in major regional shopping centers than any other department store retailer in America, with about 1,140 department stores located in all 50 states. JCPenneyââ¬â¢s drugstore ECKERD has over 2,600 stores in operation in 23 states. PROMOTIONAL OFFERS à ·Ã à à à à Direct mail. An invitation to shop mailed to selected catalog customers. These promotions may be associated with a holiday or other special savings event, including many of our storewide events à ·Ã à à à à Sunday Supplement. JCPenney color inserts that are delivered with your Sunday or late-week newspaper. à ·Ã à à à à Newspaper Ads. Promotional offers are often supplemented by ads in your local newspaper. à ·Ã à à à à Catalog Inserts. Many of our Sale and JCPenney ââ¬Å"Signature Seriesâ⬠catalogs contain special offers for limited-time savings that are bound into mailed copies. à ·Ã à à à à E-mail Promotions.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
An Old Man’s Winter Night Analysis
An Old Manââ¬â¢s Winter Night This is a very haunting poem about an old man who stands alone dying in a dark house in winter. His memory is failing him and because of that he doesnââ¬â¢t know who he is or why he is in the house but he stays there inside the house because of the gruelling winter weather outside. There is no sense that the old man is existing for anyone or anything, he is purely alone. He is alone not only because no one is with him, but also because there will be no one to remember him after he dies.He develops a fear of the cellar beneath him and the darkness that lies outside so he strikes the ground in an attempt to frighten the unknown rather than confronting his fears. Finally, he falls asleep in front of the fire only to be disturbed by a log that has shifted in the fire but in due course, falls into a deep sleep. Frost uses the dying fire as a symbol to his fading life. As the night goes on, the fire dims and the old man grows closer to death. He knows th at eventually the darkness will consume him.The piece does not stray from the subject matter from the beginning to the end, continuously conveying the extent of how scared and lonely he is. Frostââ¬â¢s intention is clearly to portray the depth of loneliness that the old man is feeling in his old age and the emotions that accompany this. In terms of form, the poem does not have a traditional rhyme scheme and the lines vary in length. Frost uses many different literary devices throughout the poem such as imagery which appeals to our sight, touch and hearing senses.Frost has used Imagery such as ââ¬Å"In clomping there, he scared it once againâ⬠which appeals to our touch because you can almost feel how he has stomped the floor to try and frighten off the unknown. He has appealed to our hearing senses by using personification, ââ¬Å"like the roar of treesâ⬠lets you almost hear how the trees were thrashing around on the cold winter night. ââ¬Å"That brought him to that creaking room was age. He stood with barrels round him ââ¬â at a lossâ⬠appeals to our sight and paints a vivid eerie image of him standing alone in the dark house.Frostââ¬â¢s use of personification, ââ¬Å"like the roar of treesâ⬠is used to give a more humanistic quality to the trees to create a more eerie surrounding. Onomatopoeia is used ââ¬Å"crack of branchesâ⬠to make you think about the sound and to give a realistic feel to the poem, but more significantly alliteration is used, ââ¬Å"doors darklyâ⬠, ââ¬Å"beating boxâ⬠and ââ¬Å"separate starsâ⬠, this makes the poem sound more pleasant to the readers. There is also evidence of internal rhyme on the tenth line ââ¬Å"In clomping there, he scared it once againâ⬠An internal rhyme puts emphasis on the two words that rhyme and quickens the pace of the line.On the twenty third line, he used caesura to form important thoughts rather than breaking it ââ¬Å"And slept. The log that shift ed with a joltâ⬠. There are eight strong enjambments throughout the poem helping it to run on and flow into the next line and continue momentum instead of the usual rhythm a poem would have. The mood of the poem is sad and disheartening. Frostââ¬â¢s use of imagery creates a sad setting. ââ¬Å"All out of doors looked darkly in at himâ⬠could almost mean that people know and see that he is alone in the house but yet they choose to ignore it.The tone of the poem is candid, almost as if Frost is just telling a story without any feeling or emotion being put into it. From reading the poem, we realise that the old man is alone but the writer never clarifies the reason why, he only repeats that he is completely isolated and beyond the comfort of another human being. The most poignant aspect of this poem is the old manââ¬â¢s loss of memory and the frost forming on the windows because itââ¬â¢s so cold, ââ¬Å"Through the thin frost, almost in separate stars, that gathers o n the pane in empty rooms. He has no recollection of his purpose or identity and simply finds himself standing ââ¬Å"with barrels round him ââ¬â at a loss. â⬠Not only is the old man isolated in body, he is isolated in mind. His memories of his past happiness cannot comfort him now. Although the old man is in a state of utter isolation, he still has the bravery to fight for his existence and attempt to scare away his fears that creep through the night. Although the old man is unaware of what exactly he is afraid of in the cellar or the dark of night, he clutches to the act of ââ¬Å"clompingâ⬠as a familiar and unfamiliar comfort.The devastating sense of loneliness and fear is accentuated by the noises all around the old man, the cracking of branches, the roar of the trees ââ¬â this use of personification is used to make the scene more disturbing. However, the old man himself remains silent throughout the poem. When he does make sounds, he resorts to the more anim alistic action of stomping his feet rather than trusting his voice. In reading the title of the poem it suggests there should be a pleasant setting of an old man inside house beside a fire on a cold winterââ¬â¢s night but instead the writer has denied the readers any comforting expectations. Instead the writer conveys that he is slowly dying alone in the house on a devastatingly cold frosty night but he wants to live and fight death until the end even though he is losing his mind he still knows he doesnââ¬â¢t want to die. The old manââ¬â¢s isolation keeps the reader at a distance so they are not able to feel a sense of empathy with the old man.If Frost divulged the old manââ¬â¢s thoughts it would be easier for the readers to form some kind of connection with him but Frost wants the readers to feel the same lonely, isolated feeling that the old man has and does this by rendering the old man mute. The reader is forced to remain a silent onlooker who cannot connect to the i nner workings of the old manââ¬â¢s mind. This poem could be interpreted as how Frost feels about his life at this point in time. ââ¬Å"All out of doors looked darkly in at him through the thin frost almost in separate starsâ⬠This could be Frostââ¬â¢s way of expressing his feelings that he thinks nobody cares about him anymore.The poem does not end on a completely desperate note. Although the man is frightened of what he does not know, he still succeeded in ââ¬Å"scaringâ⬠off the unknown when he was alone and frightened. Frost suggests that even a person in the depths of isolation and loneliness is still capable of maintaining a presence and ââ¬Å"keepingâ⬠a house. The old manââ¬â¢s behavior in the house is not ideal or necessarily human, and he is still destined to face death and constant loneliness, and yet his house is still his own because of his insistent grasp on it and his refusal to abandon himself completely.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Abortion Issues - How They Affect American Politics
Abortion issues surface in almost every American election, whether its a local race for school board, a statewide race for governor or a federal contest for Congress or the White House. Abortion issues have polarized American society since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized the procedure. On one side are those who believe women are not entitled to end the life of an unborn child. On the other are those who believe women have the right to decide what happens to their body. Often there is no room for debate between the side. Related Story: Is Abortion the Right Thing to Do? In general, most Democrats support a womans right to have an abortion and most Republicans oppose it. There are notable exceptions, though, including some politicians who have waffled on the issue. Some Democrats who are conservative when it comes to social issues such oppose abortion rights, and some moderate Republicans are open to allowing women to have the procedure. A 2016 Pew Research Surveyà found that 59 percent of Republicans believe abortion should be illegal, and 70 percent of Democrats believe the procure should be allowed. Overall, though, a narrow majority of Americans ââ¬â 56 percent in the Pew pollà ââ¬âà support legalized abortion and 41 percent oppose it.à In both cases, these figures have remained relatively stable for at least two decades, the Pew Researchers found. When Abortion Is Legal In the United States Abortion refers to the voluntary termination of a pregnancy, resulting in the death of the fetus or embryo. Abortions performed prior to the third trimester are legal in the United States.Abortion-rights advocates believe a woman should have access to whatever health care she needs and that she should have control over her own body. Opponents of abortion rights believe an embryo or fetus is alive and thus abortion is tantamount to murder.à Current Status The most controversial of abortion issues is the so-called partial birth abortion, a rare procedure. Beginning in the mid-90s, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate introduced legislation to ban partial birth abortions. In late 2003, Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.This law was drafted after the Supreme Court ruled Nebraskas partial birth abortion law unconstitutional because it did not allow a doctor to use the procedure even if it were the best method to preserve the health of the mother. Congress attempted to circumvent this ruling by declaring that the procedure is never medically necessary. History Abortion has existed in almost every society and was legal under Roman law, which also condoned infanticide. Today, almost two-thirds of the women in the world may obtain a legal abortion.When America was founded, abortion was legal. Laws prohibiting abortion were introduced in the mid-1800s, and, by 1900, most had been outlawed. Outlawing abortion did nothing to prevent pregnancy, and some estimates put the number of annual illegal abortions from 200,000 to 1.2 million in the 1950s and 1960s.States began liberalizing abortion laws in the 1960s, reflecting changed societal mores and, perhaps, the number of illegal abortions.à In 1965, the Supreme Court introduced the idea of a right to privacy in Griswold v. Connecticut as it struck down laws that banned the sale of condoms to married people.Abortion was legalized in 1973 when the U.S.Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that during the first trimester, a woman has the right to decide what happens to her body. This landmark decision rested on the right to privacy which was introduced in 1965. In addition, the Court ruled that the state could intervene in the second trimester and could ban abortions in the third trimester. However, a central issue, which the Court declined to address, is whether human life begins at conception, at birth, or at some point in between.In 1992, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the court overturned Roes trimester approach and introduced the concept of viability. Today, approximately 90% of all abortions occur in the first 12 weeks.In the 1980s and 1990s, anti-abortion activism -- spurred on by opposition from Roman Catholics and conservative Christian groups -- turned from legal challenges to the streets. The organization Operation Rescue organized blockades and protests around abortion clinics. Many of these techniques were prohibited by the 1994 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Pros Most polls suggest that Americans, by a slim majority, call themselves pro-choice rather than pro-life. That does not mean, however, that everyone who is pro-choice believes that abortion is acceptable under any circumstance. A majority support at least minor restrictions, which the Court found reasonable as well under Roe.Thus the pro-choice faction contains a range of beliefs -- from no restrictions (the classic position) to restrictions for minors (parental consent) ... from support when a womans life is endangered or when the pregnancy is the result of rape to opposition just because a woman is poor or unmarried.Principle organizations include the Center for Reproductive Rights, The National Organization for Women (NOW), National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), Planned Parenthood, and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. Cons The pro-life movement is thought of as more black-and-white in its range of opinions than the pro-choice faction. Those who support life are more concerned with the embryo or fetus and believe that abortion is murder. Gallup polls starting in 1975 consistently show that only a minority of Americans (12-19 percent) believe that all abortions should be banned.Nevertheless, pro-life groups have taken a strategic approach to their mission, lobbying for mandated waiting periods, prohibitions on public funding and denial of public facilities.In addition, some sociologists suggest that abortion has become a symbol of the changing status of women in society and of changing sexual mores. In this context, pro-life supporters may reflect a backlash against the womens movement.Principle organizations include the Catholic Church, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, and National Right to Life Committee. Where It Stands President George W. Bush supported and signed the constitutionally questionable partial-birth abortion ban and, as Governor of Texas, vowed to put an end to abortion. Immediately after taking office, Bush eliminated U.S. funding to any international family planning organization that provided abortion counseling or services -- even if they did so with private funds.There was no easily-accessed issue statement about abortion on the 2004 candidate web site. However, in an editorial entitled The War Against Women the New York Times wrote: The lengthening string of anti-choice executive orders, regulations, legal briefs, legislative maneuvers, and key appointments emanating from his administration suggests that undermining the reproductive freedom essential to womens health, privacy and equality is a major preoccupation of his administration - second only, perhaps, to the war on terrorism.
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